Videos and Music
Creating a More Peaceful Society by Confronting the Origins of Violence with Karen Jacobs and Andrea Kalsow
Early Trauma: Causes, Effects, Prevention
(Part 1 of 6) with Brendon Marotta
The Roots of Violence with Arthur D. Schwartz
Preventing Personal and Social Problems
(Part 1 of 6) with Devi Ward Erickson
Chief Seattle’s Message
This is an original environmental song by Ronald Goldman, PhD who sings and plays guitar. It is based on a speech given by native American Chief Seattle in 1854. A federal representative told his tribe that their land would be bought by the government.
His speech describes how we must care for the Earth. Early traumas limit our ability to care for the Earth as well as other people. His speech also relates to violence and racism. As Chief Seattle said, “All things are connected.”
“Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know.” — Michel de Montaigne