Ronald Goldman, PhD is an award-winning psychologist, researcher, speaker, author, and consultant.
He specializes in developmental and applied psychology. His work is related to preventing personal, emotional, and behavioral difficulties that often involve insensitive or harmful effects on others. This focus improves individual and collective experiences. His research includes numerous contacts with mental health and medical professionals, parents, and children. His new book is The Empathy Evolution: Preventing Violence, Racism, Political Corruption, and Mental Illness by Creating More Caring People, available on Amazon.
Dr. Goldman has participated in many media interviews with radio and television shows, newspapers, wire services, and periodicals including ABC News, CBS News, NPR, Associated Press, Time, Newsweek, and The Wall Street Journal. His writing has appeared in newspapers including The Washington Post and HuffPost, magazines, symposia proceedings, textbooks, and professional journals. These publications have been endorsed by dozens of professionals in mental health, medicine, and social science.
Dr. Goldman has presented speaking programs to professional groups, universities, conferences, organizations, civic, government and religious groups, parents, and others. The Council of Europe, consisting of 47 countries that advocate for common social ideals and principles, invited him as the only non-European participant in a discussion before their Parliamentary Assembly. Dr. Goldman is available for new speaking programs upon request.
“A day of prevention is worth years of treatment.” — Ronald Goldman, PhD
Personal Note
With awareness and compassion derived from my own early adverse experiences and healing, my goal is to make a difference for children and the world.
Psychiatrist Karl Menninger said, “What’s done to children, they will do to society.” Consequently, we are all affected by what’s done to children. Caring for children is our common concern. I encourage the examination of our beliefs and practices to better serve children. Thanks for your interest in my work, and I hope we can connect to make a difference. Ron
Americans have many social, emotional, and behavioral problems, and they are increasing in prevalence. Common approaches often lack effectiveness. Creating positive changes will require that we learn about the origins of our problems and how to return to our true nature.
Ronald Goldman, PhD has the knowledge and the compassion to support making this transition. He has submitted legislative proposals to improve the welfare of children and society, received awards for his educational public service, and inspired many audiences with his musical talent as a singer-guitarist.
Ronald Goldman, PhD can guide us to:
- Learn specific principles to improve the future quality of life for our family, friends, and society.
- Recognize how to question cultural assumptions that do not serve us.
- Be inspired to take action that can make a difference.
- Have a life with more meaning and purpose.
- Feel more compassion and love for ourselves and others.